Spring & Summer Program 2025

The preliminary schedule is subject to change based on field availability which is not in the Club’s control.

* Soccer Québec & Canada regulation league starts at U9. 

** Participation in tournaments will incur extra fees.

*** Attendance rate impacts a player's development and could influence their call-up to games and playing time.

Note: LDIR fees are slightly higher due to the cost of renting a turf field for practices and potential matches. If you register and paid for LDIR but during tryouts we evaluated the level as LDR. The club will refund the difference and vice versa.

Spring & Summer Program

The Westmount Soccer Club opens registration on February 7th for returning players. Registration for new players begins on February 14th and will be confirmed on February 24 as the Club is required to meet a quota of Westmount residents.

The Summer program will be offered from May to August or September 2025. Although our program overlaps with the Westmount Spring recreational soccer program which offered by the city of Westmount from April to June, we encourage players to participate in both programs. Practices and games will be scheduled so that players can participate in both.


The Club has decided to increase fees by $50 to ensure the organization's financial stability, as overall costs have also risen. Players will still be responsible for the $44.30 affiliation fees to Soccer QC, Soccer Canada, and the Lac St. Louis region. The table above outlines what is included and what is not.


This year, we are releasing the schedule earlier to help parents plan their other activities. However, minor adjustments may be needed if the city of Westmount makes any changes.

Construction Holiday

The Club will pause the activities of most of the teams in the last week of July. The league will be paused too.

For more information, please contact us at info@westmountsoccer.org.

  • Season period: May until end of August
    Season duration: 12-16 weeks
    Number of sessions: 24
    Session duration: 60 minutes
    Equipment required: Soccer ball size 3

    Our goal is to instill in our young players a love for soccer and to develop social, emotional, and motor skills. Qualified members of our staff will present the basics in an engaging and enjoyable way.

    Our U5 and U6 program is coed and does not feature matches. Coed teams encourage mutual respect and can help players develop a wider set of soccer skills.

  • Season period: May until end of August
    Season duration: 12-16 weeks
    Number of sessions: 24
    Session duration: 60 minutes
    Equipment required: Soccer ball size 3

    Our goal is to instill in our young players a love for soccer and to develop social, emotional, and motor skills with technical aspects of the game. Qualified members of our staff will present the basics in an engaging and enjoyable way.

    Our U7 program is coed and does not feature matches. Coed teams encourage mutual respect and can help players develop a wider set of soccer skills.

  • Season period: May until second of week of September
    Season duration: 16-20 weeks
    Number of sessions: 30-32
    Session duration: 60-75 minutes

    Our U8 program is focused on developing and improving basic skills of soccer in addition to preparing the team for the following year’s intercity program by playing internal or friendly games applying regular game rules.

  • Season period: May until end of August or beginning of Sept
    Season duration: 16-18 weeks
    Number of sessions: 32-36 sessions with 10 matches
    Session duration: 60-90 minutes

    Our U9 and U10 program is focused on developing and improving soccer skills while increasing difficulty. Teamwork and sportsmanship are emphasized. Players will learn the principles of attack, defense, possession, and transition.

  • Season period: May until end of August or beginning of Sept
    Season duration: 16-18 weeks
    Number of sessions: 32-36 sessions with 12 matches
    Session duration: 60-90 minutes

    The U11 and U12 program is focused on performing soccer skills in more difficult situations. It is designed to increase the awareness of space, as well as to nurture physical and tactical aspects of the game.

  • Season period: April until beginning of September
    Season duration: 20-22 weeks
    Number of sessions: 36-40 and could be more sessions with 14 matches
    Session duration: 60-90 minutes

    Players must pass the tryouts to get a spot in these teams. Also, there will be a short interview with the player or the parent in order to align our vision with the player's.